About Physician Coach Training
Physician Coach Training is created by physicians for physicians accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Physician Coach Training is structured in eight self-paced, on-demand coaching modules with LIVE practice coaching with physician colleagues. In each module, participants engage in a deliberate practice cycle to develop their skill set.

Review Independent Study
  Articles, coaching studies, and videos introduce module skills.

Watch Skills Videos
  Coaching skill videos reinforce and further the skills introduced in the independent study.

Practice Coaching with Colleagues
  Apply what you learned during LIVE practice coaching sessions.
Welcome to Physician Coach Training!
Hi, I'm Jeffrey Smith,
Director of Education
I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with more than 1000 1-on-1 physician client coaching hours and 500 hours of coach training experience. I am also the Director of Education and an ICF Mentor Coach.
 I started my journey into coaching in 2012 when I wasn’t enjoying my surgical career because I had no time; I was too stressed; and I was trained to prioritize my patient’s care over my own well-being. At times, I was approaching burnout, but most of the time, I was just not able to feel the enjoyment of such a great career. Now, I’m still clinically active, coaching other high performing surgeons, and training physicians to coach in a high performance model.

I hope to see you in Physician Coach Training!
Important Policies
Payment/Fees Policy
Complaint/Grievance Policy
Partial Completion Policy
Ethics, Integrity, Transparency
Schedule and Delivery Method
Disability/DEIJ statement/Discrimination
Participation Policy
Illness Policy
The Training Experience
Physician Coach Training is deliberate practice cycle. Apply what you learned in the independent study and skills training videos during LIVE practice coaching sessions with colleagues.

Watch this video to learn more about Physician Coach Training.
Become a Coach
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Set-up a call with our incredible team to learn more about the program!
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