ICF Mentor Coaching

Mentor Coaching Program
Prepare for ICF Credentialing.
The Physician Mentor Coaching Program provides professional support in achieving the level of coaching competency required by the desired ICF credential level. Mentor Coaching is required by the ICF to take place over a minimum three-month time period. Coaches prepare by coaching physician peers in the SurgeonMasters training community in a deliberate practice cycle of listening and feedback with their Mentor Coach, while also participating in reflection and practice on their own time.
REGISTERPhysician Coach Mentoring Components
Physician Mentor Coaching consists of observation, feedback, and practice coaching to prepare for the International Coaching Federation credentialing process. Physician Mentor Coaching participants are mentored on their coaching skills rather than building a coaching business.

Group Mentor Coaching
7+ Hours of Approved ICF Group Mentor Coaching with Colleagues.

1-on-1 Mentor Coaching
3 Hours of Approved ICF One-On-One Mentor Coaching.

Recording Coaching Sessions
3 Recorded Coaching Sessions for Playback and Review.

ICF Mentor Feedback
Written and Verbal Feedback In Alignment with ICF Core Competencies.

Community Support
Support from peers and coaches in the Physician Coach Training Community.